

CUNY Dominican Studies Institute

Founded in 1992 and housed at The City College of New York, the Dominican Studies Institute of the City University of New York (CUNY DSI) is the nation's first university-based research institute devoted to the study of people of Dominican descent in the United States and other parts of the world.

  • Exhibit Team:
  • Dr. Ramona Hernández, CUNY DSI Director
  • Dr. Lissette Acosta Corniel and Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, Curators
  • Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, transcriber
  • Dr. Tim Williams, English-language editing
  • Javier Pichardo, Graphic Designer
  • Prof. Sarah Aponte, Content editor and materials coordinator
  • Idilio Gracia Peña, Exhibit’s materials advisor
  • Mariel Acosta and Ruth Lizardi, Photographs selection
  • Laura Rivas, Glossary compilation
  • Isabelia Herrera, preliminary partial editing

Outside assistance was provided by: Dr. Yolanda Chavez Cappellini of Broward College, who was in charge of most of the English translations of the original Spanish manuscripts. CCNY student volunteer Chayanne Marcano also assisted in the completion of the project.Sponsors:

The material and visual production of this exhibit would not have been possible without the generous funding provided by grants from the CUNY Diversity Projects Development Fund and the New York Council for the Humanities.

CCNY Library

These Omeka exhibitions are designed by the staff of the Digital Scholarship Services in the Cohen Library at the City College of New York.

To learn more about our services, please email digital@ccny.cuny.edu.

Omeka site original team (2019):

Ching-Jung Chen, Katie Cheng, Chen Gao, Rafay Malik

Omeka site update (2024):

Lily Susman