Challenges Faced by Dominican Veterans in World War II: Stephen Hotesse and José Adrián Trujillo
Challenges Faced by Dominican Veterans in World War II: Stephen Hotesse and José Adrián Trujillo
Dominican Biography
Dominican History
Dominicans in the United States
Dominican US Veterans
Dominican Race Relations in the US
Tuskegee Airmen of World War II
World War II
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York
Martin Toomajian
Sarah Aponte
March 2020
Challenges Faced by Dominican Veterans in World War II: Stephen Hotesse and José Adrián Trujillo by Martin Toomajian and the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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To download this lesson plan, scroll down to the document viewer below. Click the "Pop-out" button in the top right corner, and another tab will open. In that tab, a Google Docs viewer will open. Go to the top right corner and click the "Open original" button, an icon with an upward arrow in a square. You can click download the PDF in this new tab.
Middle and high school students
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York, Martin Toomajian, and Sarah Aponte, “Challenges Faced by Dominican Veterans in World War II: Stephen Hotesse and José Adrián Trujillo,” Fighting for Democracy: Dominican Veterans from World War II, accessed March 11, 2025,